Original Papers2010
R. Kanya, Y. Morimoto, K. Yamanouchi
“Observation of laser-assisted electron-atom scattering in femtosecond intense laser fields”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 123202-1-4 (2010).
H. Xu, T. Okino, K. Nakai, K. Yamanouchi, S. Roither, X. Xie, D. Kartashov, L. Zhang, A. Baltuška, M. Kitzler
“Two-proton migration in 1,3-butadiene in intense laser fields”
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 12939 -12942 (2010).
H. Xu, C. Marceau, K. Nakai, T. Okino, S.L. Chin, K. Yamanouchi
“Two stages of ultrafast hydrogen migration in methanol driven by intense laser fields”
J. Chem. Phys. 133, 071103-1-4 (2010).
Y. Furukawa, Y. Nabekawa, T. Okino, S. Saugout, K. Yamanouchi, K. Midorikawa
“Nonlinear Fourier transform spectroscopy of D2 using high-order harmonic radiation”
Phys. Rev. A 82, 013421-1-5 (2010).
K. Bambardekar, J.A. Dharmadhikari, A.K. Dharmadhikari, T. Yamada, T. Kato, H. Kono, Y. Fujimura, S. Sharma, D. Mathur
"Shape anisotropy induces rotations in optically trapped red blood cells"
J. Biomed. Opt. 15 041504-1-8 (2010).
A. Di Piazza, E. Lötstedt, A. I. Milstein, C. H. Keitel
“Effect of a strong laser field on electron-positron photoproduction by relativistic nuclei”
Phys. Rev. A 81, 062122-1-8 (2010).
H. Yazawa, T. Shioyama, H. Hashimoto, F. Kannari, R. Itakura, K. Yamanouchi
“Non-adiabatic transition in C2H5OH+ on a light-dressed potential energy surface by ultrashort pump-and-probe laser pulses”
Appl. Phys. B, 98, 275-282 (2010).
H. Xu, T. Okino, K. Nakai, K. Yamanouchi, S. Roither, X. Xie, D. Kartashov, M. Schöffler, A. Baltuška, M. Kitzler
“Hydrogen migration and C-C bond breaking in 1,3-butadiene in intense laser fields studied by coincidence momentum imaging”
Chem. Phys. Lett. 484, 119-123 (2010).