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February 2009: Dr. Luca Poletto visit and Seminar

On February 3rd, we welcomed Dr. Luca Poletto of the Laboratory for Ultraviolet and X-ray Optical Research, CNR-INFM and University of Padova in Italy. He gave a department seminar titled “Managing of ultrashort pulses by time-preserving optical configurations.”

The 1331st Zasshikai Seminar
Date: Feb.3 (Tue) 15:00 - 17:00
Venue: 4F Auditorium, Chemistry Main Bldg.
Speaker: Dr. Luca Poletto (Laboratory for Ultraviolet and X-ray Optical Research, CNR-INFM; Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova)
Title: “Managing of ultrashort pulses by time-preserving optical configurations”